I will admit there are days I envy the working mom. To get away from the house, to dress up with a purpose and task to accomplish, yes this sounds so amazing to my personality.
However, being a stay at home mom can be just as rewarding, but to see the good, the purpose and the joy we have to have the right perspective. I have decided this is the most difficult issue for me as a stay at home mom; keeping right perspective.
This morning I woke up gave myself time to read and journal, which I LOVE to do, dressed in workout clothes and faced the morning with a plan. Breakfast was ready, table set, two year old diaper changed and I was working on lunches. The end goal for me this morning was to get the to do list of the morning done and fit in a run before I had to get ready to leave the house. I was packing second daughters sandwich and realized the clock was running out. I had only 15 min left before husband would be leaving with girls and I would not have time to go for that coveted run all by myself.
These are the moments I wish I could say freeze and time would stop! A superpower, I really believe would be so helpful as a mom. But sadly, it does not work like that and the clock keeps ticking. I slipped off my running shoes and hugged girls goodbye. The plan had been interupted, no run for me today. Husband and daughters leave and I sit curled up with my son feeling quite disappointed. Apparently I wear my emotions on my sleeve because as I looked down at my sons sweet face he says, "mommy you sad?" Now I truly was having a sad day. No run for me and no happy fun mommy for my son to see and play with. I realize I am harder on myself than anyone else, but I simply do not enjoy falling apart in front of my kids. I just know one day they will need therapy because of me :)
I let myself sulk on the couch for about five more minutes. Justifying thoughts about why this day is falling apart swirl in my head. I stare into space a moment feeling down and quickly realize I am staring right at my running shoes sitting next to my son on the floor. Up to this point my perspective was that I have failed my plan, I have lost the morning battle, this is it for my day.
As I am staring at my son playing with my shoes I realize his perspective, 'okay mommy won't play with me right now, I will play with something else, mommy's shoes!' He is a smart smart boy so maybe he was smart enough this morning to play with my shoes as a way to taunt me to get off the couch. He looked so cute, I could hardly stay sad watching him try to put on his mommy's shoes. Regardless of his motives, I knew I needed to follow in his footsteps. I stood up determined to change my perspective.
The truth of the day is I had time to read and journal which is a huge priority for me. I made a wonderful breakfast for my beautiful kiddos, I packed healthy lunches for them to eat and sent them off with cute hair and kisses. I did not get time to run by myself, but had plenty of time to fit in a workout with my son playing along in our living room! I quickly put on my shoes, turned on our 30 min. workout video and encouraged my two year old to jump along with me! For the next half hour I worked out while playing with my son!
Nope my morning did not go as planned and I did not get in my run, but I learned a valuable lesson taught by my toddler; when your first plan falls apart change your perspective and put on mommy's shoes :) ....in adult language it translates to; be grateful, go with the flow and make the most of your time. Don't give up and let lies and discouragment win.
Take hold of right perspective and enjoy your day!